CanCure Product Line
- CanCure products have cannabinoids in different ratios formulated for various medical indications and dosage forms.
- CanCure products are prescription only products that require physician attestation.
- Cancure products are used in serious illness
- Cancure products are controlled under the laws of Uganda
CanCare Product Line
- Cancare products have uncontrolled cannabis ingredients from the seed and roots in different ratios formulated for different indications and dosage forms.
- Cancare products do not require physician attestation.
- Cancare products are used for general wellness and as nutritional supplements
- Cancare products are uncontrolled under the laws of Uganda
AgeWell Product Line
- AgeWell products do not have cannabis ingredients.
- AgeWell products do not require physician attestation.
- AgeWell products are used as functional medicines
- AgeWell products are uncontrolled under the laws of Uganda
- Medical Cosmetics products may have cannabis ingredients.
- Medical Cosmetics do not require physician attestation.
- Medical Cosmetics products are used for skin and hair conditions
- Medical Cosmetics are uncontrolled under the laws of Uganda